Konjunkturbarometern för den statliga sektorn - Yumpu
Den offentliga sektorn i korthet 2018 - Statskontoret
Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expenditure by Function of Government ( COFOG). Source: International Monetary Fund · Expenditure,; Government Estimación del desglose del gasto en educación en COFOG. Inicio del proyecto: 2019. Finalización del proyecto: 2019. Entidad financiadora: SOGETI. The Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) was developed by the Organization for. Economic Co-operation and Development and published by 9 Dec 2019 Appendix A - COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government).
Den offentliga sektorns utgifter COFOG. Öppna alla. 01Allmän offentlig förvaltning; 02Försvar; 03Samhällsskydd och rättsskipning; 04Näringslivsfrågor Classification of the Functions of Government. Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras Göm mallinkluderingar | Göm länkar | Göm omdirigeringar.
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Tables that show spending by sub-function are broadly consistent with UN COFOG level 2. Definitions 2016-08-17 · Government budget classifications tend to provide more granular detail than SDGs, COFOG or GFS. Governments rarely bake international standards into operational budget classifications because of complexity. These governments map the financial chart of accounts to alternative roll-ups for reporting. · Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG).
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The GEAQ is aligned with the methodological framework of the IMF Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 GFSM 2014) for compiling expenditure data using the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG). India. This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the functions, or socioeconomic objectives, that government aims to achieve through various kinds of expenditure, comprising detailed classifications of general public service, defense, public order and safety, economic affairs, environment protection, housing and community services, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, and COFOG & COICOP 9 5/7/2012 Activity text value cofog Dest-Trans Dest-Grp Cost-Trans Cost - product Administration Compensation of employees 2.480.618 1.11 3200 01 D1 Military defense Intermediate Consumption 709.000 2.10 3200 02 2000 Police services Intermediate Consumption 14.224.949 3.10 … GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE BY FUNCTION (COFOG) Contact; Contact organisation: National Statistical Institute. Contact organisation unit: Non-financial National and Regional Accounts. Contact name: Elena Bakalova.
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Administraciones Públicas» (COFOG, en sus si-. 1 Véase el artículo titulado «La importancia de la reforma del gasto público para la estabilidad y el crecimiento
posteriores del CFAP recogidas en la clasificación por funciones de gobierno ( COFOG) producido por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo
Number of units by COFOG per 01.01.2021. COFOG, Number of units. 01 General public services, 56. 02 Defence, 20. 03 Public order and safety, 38. COFOG is a comprehensive international standard classification of public expenditure broken down by main purpose.
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This can be mainly attributed to expenditure for the family allowance child bonus and the family hardship compensation in the context of COVID -19 and to higher expenditure for family allowances. Azonos az ENSZ kormányzati kiadások funkciók szerinti osztályozásával (COFOG). Az egyéni fogyasztás cél szerinti osztályozása (COICOP) nomenklatúra tartalmazza a COFOG bizonyos funkcióit, amelyek fogyasztása egyéni jellegű (egészségügy, szabadidő és kultúra, oktatás, szociális védelem).
The transmission of COFOG 1st level data is compulsory, whereas COFOG 2nd level data are transmitted on a voluntary basis until the new ESA2010 implementation.
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For optimum experience we recommend to update your browser to the latest version. Classification des fonctions des administrations publiques (COFOG) Citation: Nomenclature des dépenses par fonction: COFOG, COICOP, COPNI, COPP, Série M: No 84, New York: Nations Unies. ändamål COFOG.
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Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller Utgifter finansierade med öronmärkta inkomster. 82. 0,0. 0,0. 0,0. 0,0. 0,0.
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Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller ändamål.
Den inriktar sig mer på vilket syfte de olika flödena har. Cofog är ett sätt att dela in offentliga verksamheter i grupper efter deras funktion eller ändamål. Sys- temet består av tio områden (tabell 1.1). For. Japan, data regarding sub-sectors of general government and expenditures by Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) refer to fiscal year. U. Volymindex av gymnasieutbildning (COFOG 09221) SCB/NR U. Volymindex av gymnasiesärskola (COFOG 09222) SCB/NR Vuxenutbildning Kostnad (kr) för 2013/14:1 UTGIFTSOMRÅDE 2 BILAGA. 14.