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Inge gifter sig en marsdag 1939 med Karin Jungbeck,  Inge Gudmar Edler, född 17 mars 1911 i Burlöv, död 6 mars 2001 i Stora Råby, var en svensk kardiolog och läkare. Han var överläkare vid Universitetssjukhuset  Inge Edler. Inge Gudmar Edler, född 17 mars 1911 i Burlöv, död 6 mars 2001 i Stora Råby, var en svensk kardiolog  Inge Gudmar Edler (17 mars 1911 - 6 mars 2001) var en svensk kardiolog som i samarbete med Carl Hellmuth Hertz utvecklade medicinsk  Edler Inge. Data elements; References (22) · Visat namn: Edler Inge; Förnamn · IngeInge; Gudmar; Efternamn · EdlerEdler · Levnadsår · 1911-20011911-2001  Définitions de Gudmar, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Gudmar, dictionnaire Ingeborg Inge Edler Gudmar Edler , född 17 mars 1911 i Burlöv , död . Edler, Inge Gudmar, M.D., Docent, 11; 63, Kar-diolog.

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N.N. 70. Gabriel · Karl. 69. Catharina · Karin Grzymisława Ingvarevna · Guastaf Adolf · Gudmar · Gudmar Magnusson · Gudrade Gustaf Magnus Edler · Gustaf Mattias · Gustaf Mattson · Gustaf Mauritz Alarik  Ingeborg. 75. Jacob.

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1105) was a King of Sweden.[1] Inge was the son of the former King Stenkil and a Swedish princess. Inge shared the rule of the kingdom with his probably elder brother Halsten Stenkilsson,but little is known with certainty of Inge's reign. The original description of M-mode echocardiography in 1953, by Inge Edler (1911-2001) and his physicist friend Hellmuth Hertz, marked the beginning of a new diagnostic noninvasive technique. Inge Gudmar Edler (17 March 1911 – 6 March 2001) was a Swedish cardiologist, who in collaboration with Carl Hellmuth Hertz developed medical ultrasonography and echocardiography.

Inge gudmar edler

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Saman med ingeniøren Carl Hellmuth Hertz laga han dei første bileta av eit hjarte med ultralyd (ekkokardiografi), 29. oktober 1953. Inge Gudmar Edler (17 de marzo de 1911 - 6 de marzo de 2001) fue una cardióloga sueca que, en colaboración con Carl Hellmuth Hertz, desarrolló la ecografía y la ecocardiografía médicas.

Inge Gudmar Edler (17 March 1911 – 6 March 2001) was a Swedish cardiologist, who in collaboration with Carl Hellmuth Hertz developed medical ultrasonography and echocardiography. Edler and Hertz shared the 1977 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award for this achievement. Inge Gudmar Edler (17 de marzo de 1911 - 6 de marzo de 2001) fue una cardióloga sueca que, en colaboración con Carl Hellmuth Hertz, desarrolló la ecografía y la ecocardiografía médicas. Edler y Hertz compartieron el Premio de Investigación Médica Clínica Lasker-DeBakey 1977 por este logro.
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Hertz came from a famous family of physicists; his father was a Nobel laureate and the unit representing frequency, the hertz, which we still use today, was named after his great uncle.

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Tulleråsen 242 Gudmar Johan Hjalmar Lundgren. 042140415. Gudmar.

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Svenskar - Unionpedia

11 Having won a 1-year scholarship to Lund Indgyde Gudmar Edler , født 17 marts 1911 i Burlöv , død 6 marts 2001 i den Store Råby , var en svensk kardiolog og læger .Han var overlæge ved Universitetssygehuset i Lund .. Inge Edler beskrev den første version af ekokardiografen, M-mode, i 1953 sammen med Hellmuth hertz og de regnes derfor for ekkokardiografiens ophavsmænd. Edler anvendte ekokardiografen til præ-operative Inge Edler. Inge Gudmar Edler (17 March 1911 – 6 March 2001) was a Swedish cardiologist, who in collaboration with Carl Hellmuth Hertz developed medical ultrasonography and echocardiography. Edler and Hertz shared the 1977 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award for this achievement. Inge Edler is on Facebook.

Gudmar : définition de Gudmar et synonymes de Gudmar

Edler and Hertz shared the 1977 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award for this achievement. Inge Gudmar Edler (17. mars 1911 – 7. mars 2001) var ein svensk lege.

Stockholm 1957.