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Wirtschaftskammer Österreich . Vienna, December 2020 30.03.2021 Industrial producer prices increased by 0.9% in February 2021 . The industrial producer price index, IPPI 2015, reached 103.1 points in February 2021, representing a price increase of 0.9% compared to February 2020. In January 2021 and December 2020, the annual rates of change had been -0.3% and -1.0%. The annual inflation rate in Austria rose to 2 percent in March of 2021 from 1.2 percent in the previous month, reaching its highest level since February last year.

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Public Health England.  installed worldwide. Soon, 9 DTBird units will be installed in Austria and USA. Grafik, statistik och till och med automatiska rapporter finns tillgängliga för utvalda perioder. Det ingår två nivåer av Written on torsdag, 25 februari 2021 19:15. Context of foreign investment in Austria : the country's strength, market disadvantages, foreign According to UNCTAD's January 2021 Investment Trends Monitor, FDI flows have sharply declined to Note: *The Greater the Index, the More Transparent the Conditions of Transactions. Powered by General presentation of Austria based on indicators such as demography, area, language, Exchange Rate on April 11, 2021: Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which 2016.

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Ab dem Wert für Jänner 2021 publiziert die Statistik Austria den neuen Verbraucherpreisindex mit dem Basisjahr 2020. Wie beim HVPI, wird auch der VPI als  You are looking at Cost of Living Index by country 2021. These indices are historical and they are published periodically. It's a snapshot of the current indices at  For an in-depth analysis of how COVID-19 has affected global internet performance, read this article.

Index statistik austria 2021


Sweden, at 4th, maintains its front-runner status in this year's Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) rankings. Branschorganisationen CEMA, som representerar industrin för jordbruksmaskiner, har släppt ny statistik för oktober som visar att affärsklimatet  TietoEVRY har listats i “2020 Bloomberg Gender Equality Index” (GEI). nivå när det gäller jämställdhetsrelaterade riktlinjer och statistik. Befolkningsprognos 2012-2021/45. Hushåll och familjer I stället har man byggt ut registerstatistiken som bygger på 2012–2021. 35.

mehr Der PKW-Index wird im Auftrag der Gewerkschaft öffentlicher Dienst sowie den beiden Autofahrerclubs ÖAMTC und ARBÖ monatlich von Statistik Austria berechnet.

According to preliminary results, 1 599 people died in Austria in calendar week 12 (from 22 to 28 March 2021) - that was 76 people fewer than in the previous week.

Detta innebär en ökning med 0,4 % jämfört med mars 2021 och en ökning med 3,5 % jämfört med april 2020.
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Alla statistiknyheter för denna statistik Labour cost index (LCI) Nästa publicering: 2021-06-10. LCI visar kvartalsvis utvecklingen av den totala arbetskraftskostnaden per timme uppdelat på arbetare och tjänstemän, det vill säga lön inklusive rörliga lönetillägg, förmåner, sjuklön och arbetsgivaravgifter. I LCI ingår enbart privat sektor. Arbetskostnadsindex för arbetare och tjänstemän inom privat sektor (AKI) Nästa publicering: 2021-04-29.

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Private consumption decreased (-3.3 percent vs 8.4 percent in Q3), namely household consumption (-5.5 percent vs 12.4 percent). Also, net trade contributed Unemployment Rate in Austria decreased to 9.40 percent in March from 10.70 percent in February of 2021. Unemployment Rate in Austria averaged 5.10 percent from 1960 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 12.80 percent in April of 2020 and a record low of 0.80 percent in August of 1974. According to preliminary results, 1 599 people died in Austria in calendar week 12 (from 22 to 28 March 2021) - that was 76 people fewer than in the previous week. The number of deaths is thus 1.7% below the five-year average of the 12th calendar week. Foreign trade January 2021: sharp decline in imports (‑10.4%) and exports (‑9.5%) Statistik Austria. (2021).

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Dortmund, känd som BVB, ge sina VIP-fans aktuell  Statistik.

Prisutveckling för jordbrukets produktionsmedel. Totalt sett ökade priserna enligt PM-index med i genomsnitt 2,3 % mellan februari 2020 och februari 2021. Ab dem Wert für Jänner 2021 publiziert die Statistik Austria den neuen Verbraucherpreisindex mit dem Basisjahr 2020. Wie beim HVPI, wird auch der VPI als Kettenindex berechnet. Ein wichtiger Vorteil zum Festbasisindex besteht darin, dass kleinere Änderungen des Warenkorbes und der Gewichtung jährlich durchgeführt werden können.