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Polygiene was founded in 2006 as a spin-off from Perstorp Group and provides sustainable technology for the treatment of textiles and other materials. The company does not manufacture fabrics or products but acts as an ingredient brand, which means it always aims to be recognised, understood The new ranges feature several fabrics treated with Polygiene ViralOff technology. While they were developing their previous collection, for autumn/winter 2021/22, the company noticed an enormous demand for products with antimicrobial effects. This led to their decision to add Polygiene ViralOff for some of their products in their latest collection.

Polygiene ab avanza

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ViralOff Polygiene technology is a brand for a treatment of textiles and other products that reduces viruses by over 99% on the material in two hours as per international standard. *ISO18184:2019 (SARS-CoV-2, H3N2, H1N1) ViralOff® is the answer to an acute situation due to the novel Coronavirus. Polygiene has today acquired all outstanding shares and completed the acquisition of the UK based additive company Addmaster, a leading global supplier of antibacterial additives for hard surfaces, for a purchase price, on a cash and debt free basis, of approximately SEK 374 million. The new ranges feature several fabrics treated with Polygiene ViralOff technology.

Uhlmann talar gott om Polygiene, men säljer aktier idag. Någ

Follow for news & hints! Polygiene är listat på Nasdaq First North Growth Market i Stockholm. För mer information: www.polygiene.com. Erik Penser Bank AB är bolagets Certified Adviser, telefon: 08-463 83 00, e-mail: certifiedadviser@penser.se.

Polygiene ab avanza

Polygiene Forum Placera - Avanza

Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid © 2018 Polygiene AB, Styrmansgatan 2, SE–211 18 Malmö, SWEDEN; Org. nr. 556692-4287 Polygiene once started in the care segment during the fight against SARS in 2004. Thanks to our background, we could go through the necessary techniques, skills, methods, and processes needed to prepare for the launch of the brand Polygiene ViralOff® – textile treatment technology. Kontakt: Ulrika Björk, CEO. Tel: 070 92 11 275.

5,947 likes · 23 talking about this. ENJOY FRESH-ALL-DAY CONFIDENCE! We make sure your garments, gear and home Stays Fresh. Follow for news & hints! Vill du investera i dessa värdepapper? Ta en titt hos Avanza eller Nordnet. Händelser.
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Valberedningen har utgjorts av Polygiene AB has completed January 8, the previously announced acquisition of Addmaster Holdings Limited. The acquisition was announced in a press release on December 10, 2020. Polygiene’s subsidiary Addmaster contributes to the CAT® launch of the first fully antimicrobial mobile phone.

Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. ViralOff Polygiene Antiviral Technology.
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Swedbank AB. Avanza Bank AB. SkandiaBanken AB. SSW Market Making GmbH. Bpolygiene ab aktie. Vakanser - lediga jobb samlade på ett — Nu får kunderna skriva upp sig Airinum har just lagt en Polygiene hotar Svenskt  Aktien Polygiene med ISIN-beteckning SE0007692157.

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Analys av Polygiene – Aktiefokus

Erik Penser Bank AB är bolagets Certified Adviser, telefon: 08-463 83 00, e-mail: certifiedadviser@penser.se. Senaste nyheter om - Polygiene, aktieanalys, kursutveckling och rapporter.

Airinum börsen. Polygiene AB publ förvärvar det ledande

Bränsleförbrukningen halveras jämfört  Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Polygiene AB Constellation — Polygiene is overall winner in Scandinavian Outdo. Volvo Cars is a company  Investmentbolaget Creades vänder till vinst i första kvartalet 2021, jämfört med förlust motsvarande kvartal i fjol, tack vare börsuppgången. DELÅRSRAPPORT Q4 2019 PREBONA AB (PUBL) Prebona förlänger det exklusiva avtalet med Polygiene AB. • Prebona inleder Avanza Pension.

Polygiene’s subsidiary Addmaster contributes to the CAT® launch of the first fully antimicrobial mobile phone. 26 januari, lanserar Casall i samarbete med Polygiene en helt unik träningshandske behandlad med Polygiene ViralOff-teknik. Behandlingen har i ISO18184:2019 test visat en reduktion av virus med över 99 % inom 2 timmar på behandlade material. Testen har bland annat gjorts på viruset SARS-CoV-2, som orsakar COVID-19.